Monday, March 22, 2021




Real Name: Alejandro Montoya
First Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist (Vol. 1) #58, August 1979

Powers: El Águila's mutant power was to discharge powerful electrostatic charges generated by his own body through a conductive medium. His body generated and stored electricity emitted by his central nervous system, and could then discharge the electricity after it had built up to a certain level. His body was capable of discharging a maximum of 100,000 volts, sufficient at 10 feet to kill a man or to stun a rhinoceros. When it reached its full charge, his body would naturally discharge any excess energy in minute, harmless quantities. He could mentally control the intensity of the blast, keeping it well within the non-lethal range. After fully depleting his store of bio-electricity, be it in one blast or successive blasts, it took him one half hour to recharge back to full strength. The maximum range at which his blast could propagate through air at sea level is 30 feet. The major limitation of El Águila’s bio-electric blast is that he has to be in contact with a conductive metal in order to release it. Accordingly, he carries a sword through which he focuses his power.

El Águila is an expert swordsman.

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