Saturday, March 13, 2021




Real Name: Kwannon
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #17, February 1993

Powers: Revanche, in her original body, possessed low-level mutant empathic abilities.

After switching bodies and merging minds with with the mutant telepath Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock), she took the code-name "Revanche" and became a powerful telepath, capable of mind reading, thought projection, and creating a psychic katana blade made of pure telepathic energy similar to Psylocke’s “psychic knife”. She eventually died of the Legacy Virus, an act which restored Psylocke’s full mind and powers back to her.

After an encounter with Sapphire Styx, Betsy Braddock's Asian body died and was replaced by her original British body. As a side-effect, Kwannon seems to have somehow been resurrected in her original form as well. Because of the changes Kwannon's body has been through, she now possesses both the telepathic and telekinetic abilities Betsy had when she was last in that body and now goes by the name "Psylocke".

Kwannon is also a skilled ninja with years of training in martial arts.

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