Saturday, March 6, 2021




Real Name: Michael Korvac
First Appearance: Giant Size Defenders (Vol. 1) #3, January 1975

Powers: Michael Korvac was a collaborator with the Badoon in the 31st century of Earth-691. A highly skilled computer technician born on the Blue Area of the Moon, he was transformed into a living computer by his masters when they amputated his lower body, replacing it with a free-flying systems module. Already possessed of genius intelligence, Korvac's human mind was now supported by advanced computer technology, increasing his capacity for invention and analysis. This enabled him to anticipate an opponent's every action, and devise and appropriate counter-response at the speed of thought. This not only allowed him to avoid danger, but also allowed him to utilize the variable components inside his weapons console to retaliate with offenses specifically tailored to a target's weaknesses. He could even block and reflect magic spells cast by Doctor Strange.

Korvac's analytical powers also extended to reproducing energy signatures of various kinds after scanning them. In this manner, he gained the power to teleport himself and others through time and space, after being transported around himself as a pawn of the Grandmaster. His computer module was also capable of "plugging in" to other computers, enabling him to download information directly into his mind, or take control of electronic systems through this interface. Korvac was able to project force beams from his module or bionically from his hands, and generate a stasis field to protect himself from injury. His cybernetic eye could project a neural mesmerism beam, allowing him to subvert the wills of anyone in his line-of-sight. This could be accomplished either through subliminal suggestions, forcing victims to carry out specific actions against their conscious will, or completely subverting his targets into glassy-eyed slaves, with no conscious will to act save for doing what he commanded.

After infiltrating Galactus' world-ship and exposing himself to infinite knowledge, Korvac evolved into a god-like being that came to be known simply as The Enemy, or Michael. He became attuned to the universe at a level equivalent to Eternity or other abstract cosmic beings, and was capable of influencing reality on a vast scale. Possessing a cosmic awareness, Michael could pinpoint any entity within all the planes of reality, and observe them from afar using windows of energy he cast in thin air. Besides viewing events, he could also probe deeper into people and objects, scanning them in all possible ways: telepathically, empathically, spiritually, molecularly, and so on. His powers also extended to masking himself from detection, even by cosmic beings such as the Watcher and Eternity. Michael was able to teleport himself and others across vast distances, and could materialize anything he could think of merely by wishing it. He could assume an energy form that was the active expression of his power, giving him Class 100 strength, near-invulnerability, and the power to cast cosmic energy as heat, force, magnetism, disintegration beams or protective energy screens. He could project this energy physically or simply will it to strike down a foe at some distant location. By destroying Starhawk at a physical, spiritual, and cosmic level and then rebuilding him from nothing, Michael was able to recreate him without any knowledge of their encounter and screen Starhawk from ever recognizing his existence again with any of his senses.

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