Wednesday, March 3, 2021




Real Name: Gamora
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #180, June 1975

Powers: Gamora of the Zen-Whoberi was trained from childhood to be an assassin by Thanos, and her skeleton has been reinforced to become virtually indestructible. She has superhuman strength, agility, endurance, reflexes, and radically-advanced regenerative powers. She had roughly Class 10 strength before her death, but Adam Warlock made her considerably stronger when they were resurrected in new bodies during the Infinity Gauntlet, making her around Class 90. When she had the Time Gem in her possession, Gamora would occasionally experience flash-visions of the future, alerting her to events that would come to pass at some later date. This power was completely out of her control, however. Since that time, brief reference has been made to Gamora possessing a "precog tracking instinct", which allowed her to trace Nova's movements through space and between space. It's possible this was a residual power she retained from exposure to the Gem, like Pip's teleporting. Later, after setting up the mercenary guild known as the Graces, Gamora claimed to have undergone a "cosmic makeover" and displayed several new abilities, such as running at superhuman speeds and generating energy as a form of destructive blast. She also began carrying a powerful and indestructible blade known as Godslayer, which she kept stored away in a subspatial pocket that she could access at will. Although she has used the Godslayer since then, she has not, however, demonstrated her other powers since the Annihilation Wave first hit.

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