Tuesday, March 30, 2021




Real Name: Ruth Bat-Seraph
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #250, August 1980

Powers: Sabra's mutant power infuses her with a form of passive bio-energy which grants her superhuman physical attributes. 
She possesses Class 50 superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, leaping ability, considerable durability and regenerative powers. She can also "lend out" the bio-energy that sustains her powers to another person in the immediate vicinity, giving that person superhuman strength and physical abilities of their own indefinitely until Sabra chooses to remove the energy, regardless of the distance separating them. She is resistant to impacts up to high caliber rifle fire, and recovers from injuries at three times the normal rate.

She is outfitted with a cloak that produces anti-gravitons and propulsion, allowing her to fly at little over 300 miles per hour. Sabra also wears wrist-shooters which alternately fire razor sharp quills filled with a paralyzing chemical or low-density bundles of plasma energy.

Sabra is a graduate of the Israeli Super Soldiers Program, where she was trained in myriad forms of armed/unarmed combat and intelligence gathering. She is also trained in police methods and skills, as well as anti-terrorism techniques.

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