Saturday, March 6, 2021




Real Name: Pip Gofern
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #179, April 1975

Powers: Pip Gofern was born a prince on the humanoid-populated world of Laxidazia. A chance encounter an encampment of trolls, a degenerate sub-species of the Laxidazian race, changed him. Taking an immediate liking to them, Pip engaged in food, drink, and dance with the trolls, imbibing vast quantities of their special ale. When Pip awoke the next day with a hangover, he discovered that the ale he drank the night before had mutagenic properties, for he had taken on trollish characteristics. His feet had become hoof like, his fourth and fifth finger had grown together, his ears had become longer, and his lust for pleasure had grown profoundly.

He possessed average strength until dying and later being resurrected in a new body by Adam Warlock, giving him now roughly Class 10 strength and an increased resistance to injury. He carried the Space Gem for some years and employed it for teleportation purposes. Enough of the gem's energies surged through his body so that he retained his transport powers even after losing possession of the gem. Pip is able to teleport across intergalactic distances, instantly reaching any place he has been to before or can visualize mentally. He can carry any people or objects that he's in contact with along on the transport. Pip can also psychically link with other people through physical contact, allowing him to teleport to anyplace they have been to before or can visualize.

Pip the Troll is famously known for his carnal prowess.

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