Tuesday, March 2, 2021




Real Name: Kenuichio Harada
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #111, June 1974

Powers: The Silver Samurai possesses the mutant power to generate tachyon energy rays from within his body. He then channels these rays through solid matter to create a disintegration field effect. He uses his katana sword as a focus for his power, enabling it to slice through nearly any form of matter, except for Adamantium.

He wears a suit of lightweight steel alloy plate body armor, designed to resemble ancient samurai garb and with enough articulation so as to not impede his movements. He wields a traditional samurai long sword (katana) as well as a companion sword (wakizashi), and has previously wielded both Muramasa's Black Blade and Clan Yashida's Honor Sword. On occasion, he'd also use shruiken and other traditional samurai weaponry. He previously employed a teleportation ring given to him by the Viper that activated when twisted.

The Silver Samurai is a college graduate and a master of kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship), an expert in Bushido (the history and customs of the samurai class), and is also a highly skilled martial arts master.

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