Monday, March 1, 2021




Real Name: Heather Douglas
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #54, January 1973

Powers: Heather Douglas is the daughter of Arthur Douglas. When she was three years old, she was accompanying her parents on a road trip from Las Vegas when the Mad Titan Thanos destroyed their vehicle, killing her parents while she was thrown clear. The ruler of Titan, Mentor, monitored the event and arranged for Arthur's spirit to be re-animated as Drax the Destroyer. Meanwhile, he rescued Heather from the desert and brought her to Titan, where she was trained from early childhood in the mental and physical arts by Shao-Lom priests.

As Moondragon, she is at the peak of physical perfection, giving her upper level human strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes. She can also influence her own autonomic bodily functions through meditation, such as her breathing, heart rate, sensation of pain, and healing abilities. Moondragon is also a telepath and telekinetic -- she can read the minds of other people, plant subtle suggestions in their thoughts or forcibly compel them to carry out her commands, generate psionic force blasts from her brow, levitate and manipulate physical matter with her thoughts, produce protective force fields, etc. Moondragon's powers have been increased and decreased a number of times over the years, such as from Odin's mystical headband that restrained her full potential and mind control powers, or the power boosts she received from the Beyonder, the Dragon in the Moon, and the Mind Gem. At one point, her body was turned to ash, and her psychic essence survived in the mind of her cousin, Pamela Douglas (Sundragon) until she could return to Titan and have a new body cloned for her using cellular samples.

Later, she was forced to submit herself to the lingering influence of the Dragon of the Moon, lest it overtake her once more, and was transformed into an enormous four-legged dragon form. She retained her psychic powers, and now possessed great strength, the ability to breathe cosmic flame from her throat, and leathery wings allowing her to fly. This transformation was undone after she was killed and then resurrected.

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