Thursday, March 18, 2021




Real Name: Buford T. Hollis
First Appearance: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #12, November 1977

Powers: Razorback has the mutant ability to instinctively drive and operate any vehicle. The portion of Razorback's brain which assimilates and stores an understanding of vehicles is psionically enhanced. Starting with a basic knowledge of how vehicles are operated, Razorback can quickly and intuitively make mental leaps of logic that lead him to accurate conclusions of how every part of a vehicle (knob, button, lever, wheel, etc.) operates. Besides operational knowledge, Razorback can psionically assess a vehicle's capabilities: He can accurately assess a car's optimal speed, turn radius, braking distance and just generally handle the vehicle like an expert, demonstrating skill levels that professional NASCAR drivers might take years to properly learn and cultivate into their reflexes.

His intuitive abilities also translate partially into maintenance knowledge, allowing him to repair and maintain any of the vehicles he operates, in addition to driving them. Razorback's power works just as well on cars and trucks as it does on space shuttles and extraplanetary vehicles, though it is reasonable to assume he may have slightly more difficulty than normal in understanding the functions of a vehicle designed for non-humanoids, especially if he has no prior knowledge of what type of being the vehicle was designed for.

Though not superhumanly strong, Razorback possesses enhanced muscle mass. The pig's head he wears as a headdress has an electrified mane that he can trigger mentally.

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