Monday, March 8, 2021




Real Name: Peter Jason Quill
First Appearance: Marvel Preview (Vol. 1) #4, January 1976

Powers: Star-Lord is a hybrid born to a human mother and Jason, Prince of Spartoi. In his initial history, he was later transfigured into a force for good by the entity known as the Master of the Sun. Although it was originally presented that this transformation may have given Peter Quill superhuman powers and abilities, later events indicated that he merely gained highly exotic technology and equipment. Given further revelations to Quill's history, it's unknown if he ever met the Master of the Sun at all.

His uniform gave him the ability to fly unaided and survive in the vacuum of space. His primary weapon was an element gun, a side-holstered blaster which is capable of channeling earth, wind, water, and fire by tapping nearby planetary biospheres and accessing their elemental nature. It can thus act as a flame-thrower, generate funnels of compressed air, stream of pressurized water, a battering of rock and earth particles, etc.

After his battle with the Fallen One, Quill abandoned his old identity and weapons and, over time, acquired several cybernetic implants in his brain and left eye. These gave him a number of built in features such as a universal translator, scaled vision allowing him to visually perceive all forms of energy patterns, and an integrated memory chip that gave him perfect recall of everything he had experienced since getting the cybernetics. His cyborg parts were removed by Kree surgeons when he was inducted into a "no-tech" guerilla squad to oppose the Phalanx occupation.

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