Monday, March 8, 2021




Real Name: Roma
First Appearance: Captain Britain (Vol. 1) #1, October 1976 (First UK); Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #65, January 1978 (First US)

Powers: Roma is the Omniversal guardian of Otherworld, a pocket dimension adjacent to Earth along the British Isles. Like her father, Merlyn, she is a gestalt of all her counterparts throughout the multiverse.

One of the greatest sorceresses and scientists of the multiverse, Roma can resurrect the dead, bestow superhuman powers and abilities to living beings, teleport herself and others across space, time and realities, generate mystical shields, bonds, and energy bolts, and magically perform almost any imaginable feat.

Immensely intelligent, her Omniversal knowledge is matched only by that of her father and a handful of similar cosmic entities. She is virtually immortal and immune to aging. She is also an expert swordswoman, at one point leading the defense of Camelot.

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