Tuesday, March 2, 2021




Real Name: Robert Hunter
First Appearance: Captain Marvel (Vol. 1) #34, September 1974

Powers: Nitro was genetically modified by the Kree Lunatic Legion, giving him the ability to explode at will (with a maximum force equal to 250 lbs. of TNT). His molecular structure is reconfigured so that it's held together by psion particles instead of regular binding forces, allowing him to disable his body by concentrating. His self-exploding power normally produces enough destructive power to level a building, and has knocked down many a superhumanly powerful opponent. He is also able to explode parts of his body selectively, creating effects like a nitro-punch or nitro-kick that adds explosive force to his blows, with impact force equal to about 10 lbs. of TNT. After exploding, Nitro is reduced to vapor and reconstructs himself thanks to an attractive force which draws his scattered molecular mist back together, letting him reintegrate. Whereas he could reconstitute his arm almost instantaneously after a nitro-punch, fully exploding could take anywhere from 10-20 seconds to a couple of minutes for him to pull himself together again. Nitro has been defeated in the past by catching him in his vaporous state and holding it in two separately sealed containers. Apparently, he can last indefinitely in this state, with any metabolic needs put on hold until he has a body again.

Robert Hunter has a degree in electrical engineering and has extensive knowledge of electronics and ham radio.

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