Friday, March 5, 2021




Real Name: Moses Magnum
First Appearance: Giant-Size Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #4, April 1975

Powers: Moses Magnum was originally a baseline human arms dealer who was granted seismic power by Apocalypse. Moses' power, which he calls his "Magnum Force", generates tremendous amounts of vibratory energy. He can project vibratory force blasts of intense concussive energy from his hands, or cause shockwaves to radiate from his position, omni-directionally flattening his foes or sending seismic tremors through the ground in order to cause earthquakes, open fissures, etc. His "Magnum Force" can be channeled out from his fists to increase the strength of his blows to at least Class 90 force, and he can lift tremendous amounts of weight as well. A personal vibration-field can protect him physically from a similar amount of force.

He is also sensitive to vibrations in his environment, giving him highly acute hearing and the ability to sense movement and impact within his vicinity. At one point, Moses Magnum's power had destabilized so that any contact with land caused his vibratory power to build to uncontrollable levels, creating earthquakes and seismic upheavals wherever he stood. To compensate, he had to spend his entire time in the air or at sea to avoid destroying himself and the world around him.

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