Wednesday, March 10, 2021




Real Name: James Braddock, Jr.
First Appearance: Captain Britain (Vol. 1) #9, December 1976

Powers: James "Jamie" Braddock possesses the omega-level mutant power of reality manipulation via quantum means. Jamie perceives reality as an inter-connected web of quantum strings crisscrossing in all directions throughout his surroundings, with people and objects appearing as particularly dense masses of strands. By pulling on these strings or molding them, he can alter reality according to his whims. Jamie has demonstrated telekinetic and telepathic feats, reshaping people into other individuals, animals or grotesque caricatures, making them shrink or grow, redirecting energy, or changing memories. He could also watch objects in other realities, even granting powers to them. Originally he could only manipulate dense forms (phased beings had some level of resistance) and needed to be close enough to touch the strings they were composed of, and if his concentration was disrupted, some items or people changed would spontaneously revert to normal.

There may have been a correlation between his sanity and his power level, as both increased noticeably after he spent time in a coma. With a simple act of will, he could later generate vast, complex illusions, redirect another’s teleportation effect, and open inter-dimensional portals. He could raise the dead, and render someone immune to external influences by tightening their quantum strings, removing the gaps; however, Jamie remained able to affect them at will, possibly because he knew which strings were left available to pull. He created functional copies of the Fury, and could presumably copy other objects too. Jamie appeared to be largely impervious to physical damage; even having large holes shot through him causes purely cosmetic damage that swiftly vanished. He was also able to listen in on telepathic conversations between his siblings, although this power may have been unrelated to his other abilities.

The first manifestation of his mutant ability, combined with mystical manipulations, left him unable to discern fantasy from reality. As a result, Jamie believes himself to be dreaming and uses his power freely. He believes himself to be simply manipulating the dream to fulfill his fantasies without any consequences for others.

Jamie Braddock was an expert race car driver, able to accurately assess a car's optimal speed, turn radius, braking distance, demonstrating skill levels acquired through years of learning and cultivating into his reflexes. Formerly a successful and wealthy Formula One racing car driver, he won the Formula One World Drivers' Championship twice.

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