Saturday, March 6, 2021




Real Name: Vance Astrovik
First Appearance: Giant Size Defenders (Vol. 1) #5, July 1975 (As Vance Astrovik); The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #411, December 1989 (as Marvel Boy); The New Warriors (Vol. 1) #43, January 1994 (As Justice)

Powers: Formerly known as the Marvel Boy, Justice is gifted with the mutant ability of telekinesis. He is capable of affecting matter solely with psionic energy from his mind. He can levitate matter of considerable weights (of which the upper limits are unknown), he can generate force fields with a high degree of resilience to physical and energy assaults, and can project telekinetic energy blasts that can repel targets with high concussive force impacts. As a means of transportation, Justice usually interacts his psionic energy with gravitons (subatomic particles carrying the force of gravity) and directs it beneath him in order to levitate himself and then propel his body through the air. He has demonstrated a limited ability to shape his force fields when he forms them, such as creating a solid-seeming ramp or a rolling cylinder to knock people down. He can also discharge psionic force as uni-directional blasts from his brow, or as a psychokinetic maelstrom which causes anything near him to be blasted away with tremendous force.

Vance is an accomplished and enthusiastic researcher, having near-encyclopedic knowledge regarding super-heroes in particular, and is highly skilled with computers. Trained in unarmed combat by Night Thrasher, Andrew Chord, Captain America and others, he is also a capable motorcycle rider and trained pilot of the Avengers supersonic VTOL aircraft (The Quinjets).

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He's actually the Earth-616 version of Vance Astro (who became Major Victory, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy of Earth-691). It goes like this:

Vance Astro never manifested his mutant abilities before departing for the stars. With his body specially preserved in a containment suit to travel to another galaxy, Vance Astro's mental powers slowly emerged over the journey. When he traveled into the past to prevent himself from becoming an astronaut, Vance Astro landed in the past of Earth-616 and encountered his younger self in Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #69, triggering the teenage Vance's powers much earlier than the older Vance's timeline.

This created a new set of events in 616 where young Vance became the Avenger and New Warrior first known as Marvel Boy (the third character with that code name) and then later known as Justice.

He’s a Jewish mutant, but he's underplayed. You'd think he’d be on an x-team by now, but he hasn’t. Killing his abusive father in self-defense was his biggest character shift