Sunday, March 21, 2021




Real Name: Raven Darkhölme
First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 1) #16, May 1978

Powers: Mystique possesses the mutant power of metamorphic shape-shifting. She can psionically shift the atoms and molecules of her own body in order to duplicate any humanoid form. Like most metamorphs, she seems to have a short-range psionic scanning ability, which allows her to perfectly mimic the proportions, coloration, fingerprints, retina patterns, vocal chords, etc. of anyone in her immediate area, purely by instinct. Mystique can also consciously control her morphing to assume different appearances conjured up entirely from her own imagination. She is skilled at rearranging the outermost layer of her skin to resemble clothing, creating virtually any outfit or style imaginable. She can even remove this clothing if necessary, though not too often without risking an unhealthy loss of her mass. Besides clothing, Mystique has also shown the ability to form glasses or jewelry onto her body as well.

Mystique was originally limited by the amount of mass she currently possessed: When she transformed into a larger person, like Sabretooth or Bishop, she still retained her initial 120 lbs. In fact, Mystique was actually weaker physically in these larger forms because she was expanding her mass to its limits to accommodate the massive frame: A large portion of her insides were hollow like this, filled with nothing but air and empty space. Since her powers were upgraded, Mystique has demonstrated an increased ability to generate mass at will, expanding her body to some degree, but even now this power is limited by the quantity of mass she can produce and the amount of time she can maintain these expanded forms.

Mystique has learned to use her powers for a number of purposes besides impersonation. Her mutant power renders her body immune to poisons and antigens, and also continuously revitalizes her body cells and DNA memory, slowing her aging process significantly, at least by a factor of 4. She can also heal many surface level injuries like cuts or bruises by rearranging her flesh and cleanse her system of pathogens or poisons in much the same way. Raven can blend in with her surroundings by altering the coloration of her skin, shape razor sharp claws from her hands, alter her vision to see in the dark, temporarily add extra limbs or reinforced bone armor outside her skin, etc.

Mystique is a cunning strategist in terrorist and commando operations, and a highly talented actress. She is self-trained in both armed and unarmed combat, and is an expert markswoman.

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