Sunday, March 14, 2021




Real Name: Johann Shmidt
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #1, March 1941
Powers: The Red Skull is a Nazi war criminal who has employed a wide variety of weapons and devices over the years, including Cosmic Cubes and special equipment like the robotic Sleepers. He has wielded sophisticated side-arms, such as laser beam weapons, and exotic technology such as hypno-ray or teleportation devices. He often wears protective body armor.

His trademark is the "dust of death", a chemical compound that kills his victims within a matter of moments, turning their faces red and tightening their skin into an approximation of his own Red Skull mask. He often employed a special cigarette holder to blow the dust out through his smoke at opponents. He survived into modern times thanks to a special gas putting him into suspended animation until the Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) discovered and revived him. The gas eventually began to wear off, though, and the Skull started to age rapidly to reach his true age. When he died in Captain America's arms, the Skull's top geneticist Arnim Zola cloned a new body for him based on cells taken from Captain America, making him an exact double for Steve Rogers, right down to the Super-Soldier Serum coursing through his blood. When he revealed himself for the first time to Rogers and John Walker (the U.S. Agent), the Skull was accidentally exposed to his own dust of death. He survived, but his face was transformed into a literal "red skull". Since then, he has been killed again, and his consciousness co-resided in the body of his former nemesis, Alexander Lukin, before being transferred to a robotic form similar to Arnim Zola.
The Red Skull is a fine unarmed combatant, marksman, and master of disguise. He also is a genius-level intellect with a keen mind at military, political, corporate, and subversive strategies.

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