Tuesday, March 2, 2021




Real Name: Robert Frank, Jr.
First Appearance: Giant-Size Avengers (Vol. 1) #1, August 1974

Powers: Nuklo is the mutant son of the Whizzer and Miss America. His mutation made him a living nuclear reactor, producing high-intensity radiation from within his cells. This causes him to constantly glow with potentially deadly radioactivity. As the radiation builds up in his cells, he develops superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, resistance to physical injury, as well as increasing in physical size and stature. He would continue to grow in size and power unless he released some of his radiation, such as explosive concussion blasts from his hands detonating like a nuclear bomb. His mutation was evident at birth, so his parents were persuaded by the United States government to place their infant son in a special capsule which would retard his aging process while draining him of excess radioactivity.

Before he learned to control his mutant ability, Nuklo split into three independent versions of himself. Eventually, his unstable energies were brought under control, and he was no longer radioactive. He maintained a stable Superhuman Class 12 strength level, increased endurance and durability. He no longer increased in size or could project energy blasts. Upon receiving certain enhancements, Nuklo's powers were restored to a more effective combat level. He can now enter a glowing radioactive state at will, increasing his size, strength, and durability to a certain degree, and can release radioactivity as heat or concussive blasts.

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