Friday, March 5, 2021




Real Name: In-Betweener
First Appearance: Warlock (Vol. 1) #9, October 1975

Powers: The In-Betweener is an abstract creation of the conceptual beings Master Order and Lord Chaos, intended to represent a synthesis of all the dualistic concepts of the universe (life and death, reality and illusion, good and evil, logic and emotion, existence and nothingness, god and man). As an abstract being, he possesses an understanding of time & space beyond human comprehension.

While possessing both unlimited abilities across the range of psionic powers and sufficient power to alter reality on a cosmic scale, the In-Betweener is not all knowing or infallible. Indeed, within the parameters of the In-Betweener's existence are both power and weakness, knowledge and ignorance. He is also immune to the effects of the Infinity Gems.

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