Sunday, March 21, 2021




Real Name: D'Spayre
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #68, April 1978

Powers: D'Spayre is one of the Fear-Lords, a demon reportedly created by the Dweller-in-Darkness using the fear produced by humanity in the sinking of both Lemuria and Atlantis as a catalyst. D'Spayre feeds off of the negative emotional energy of other beings, drawing sustenance from feelings of fear or despair. His connection to despair is unique among the other Fear-Lords. He once tricked his compatriots into instilling greater and greater levels of fear on the world in order to power themselves. Fear cannot be sustained indefinitely, however, and so when humanity gave up hope and descended into despair, D'Spayre suddenly became nearly all powerful among his cohorts, able to draw from that form of negative emotions which they could not. D'Spayre is often confronted as a metaphorical foe: When someone is experiencing fear or despair, then D'Spayre is all but invincible. When they regain hope or conquer their fears, however, D'Spayre loses strength and becomes vulnerable to harm.

D'Spayre has a number of mystical abilities that aid in his search for fear. He can levitate, become intangible, teleport even between dimensions, perceive distant events mentally, and telepathically probe his victims. D'Spayre has Superhuman class 10 strength and can alter his appearance and cast illusions that obscure his surroundings, creating false people or scenarios to instill despair in his victims. D'Spayre can also directly induce fear and despair in others on command through a psychic attack, although presumably he requires (or prefers) natural fear for his sustenance.

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