Wednesday, March 24, 2021




Real Name: Chip Martin
First Appearance: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #36, November 1979

Powers: Chip Martin suffers from a dissociative identity disorder caused by the various drugs used on his mother to ease the delivery his birth. It is unclear whether the drugs activated latent mutant genes which allowed him to develop superhuman powers, or if they caused a chemical imbalance which resulted in his personality disorder, or both. One of his personalities is hostile and acts out his subconscious thoughts and desires. This personality is generally controlled via medication and psychiatric training, but can surface in times of stress. It is this personality that control's Chip's superhuman powers.

Chip was empathic, sensitive to the presence of heightened emotion in his vicinity and possibly even feeding off of it. He was capable of levitating matter and exerting telekinetic force. Primarily, his power manifested as psychoplasmic constructs forged from his mind. This could include anything from a spray of knives to demons summoned from his imagination. These creations are not alive or intelligent. They are created from psychic energy, possibly from extra-dimensional mass, and are controlled either directly by him or by his subconscious. These creations dissolve if he is not actively concentrating on them.

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