Monday, March 29, 2021




Real Name: Blanche Sitznski
First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #64, June 1980

Powers: Blanche "Blondie" Sitznski was a steelworker selected by executives in the Roxxon Oil Company to be a special agent in covert operations. At the Mutagenics Laboratory of Roxxon's subsidiary, the Brand Corporation, Sitznski was bioengineered to have various permanent serpentine adaptations.

Anaconda has scales on her face, neck, back, and chest, and small fins on her cheeks. Anaconda possesses the ability to elongate her limbs, entwine them around persons or objects, and constrict. The entire skeletal structure of her arms and legs has been replaced by artificial Adamantium alloy-based bones in the basic configuration of a snake's bodily skeleton. Her arms, normally 24 inches from armpit to wrist, and her leg, normally 35 inches from hipbone to ankle, are able to elongate to about one and a half times their normal length. When she extends her limbs in this fashion, the muscle tissue gorges with blood, swelling the limbs so that each looks like a massive, powerful, unarticulated snake. These four constricting limbs are capable of exerting enough pressure to radically deform a one inch-thick steel tube, two feet in diameter. Once Anaconda has fully entwined her serpentine limbs around a human-sized foe, there are few human beings able to get sufficient strength to break her grip.

She possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) approximately 2 tons on land under optimal conditions. Her serpentine limbs are capable of exerting enough force to contain and injure even Class 85 opponents for some time.

Anaconda has been surgically given artificial gills to enable her to extract oxygen from water in order to breath. She can now breath while underwater indefinitely, as well as breath on land. As a by-product of the extensive bio-engineering done to her body, Anaconda possesses superhuman recuperative abilities. Her body can heal from ant non-fatal wound many times faster than a normal human beings.

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