Thursday, March 18, 2021




Real Name: Victor Creed
First Appearance: Iron Fist (Vol. 1) #14, August 1977

Powers: Sabretooth’s mutant ability is accelerated cellular regeneration. This gives him superhuman strength (class 10), speed, endurance, reflexes, resistance to physical injury and a “fast-healing factor” that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human being. His "fast healing" ability makes him virtually immune to poisons and to most drugs. Sabretooth also has a limited immunity to the fatigue poisons generated by bodily activity; hence he has greater endurance than any ordinary human being. Sabretooth has superhumanly acute senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste comparable to those of certain animals. For example, he can track someone by smell just as a dog or a wolf can.

Sabretooth's superhuman senses comprise a separate superhuman power of his, but they are also due in part to his power of fast cellular regeneration. Sabretooth's night vision is preternaturally sensitive, containing twice the average human being's area of light-gathering retina, and extends into the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. His hearing is extraordinarily acute, able to detect light breathing in a cave at 200 feet. His sense of taste can detect 1 part of foreign matter in 10,000. His highly developed olfactory sense and memory allow him to detect and track a scent over eight hours old (possibly a concentration of 20 parts per million) that he had not been exposed to for up to several months previously. Dilute, common odors of perspiration, perfumes, cigarettes, candies, and food are beacons to his senses.

Sabretooth possesses razor sharp claws on each finger and pointed canine teeth reinforced. His teeth and claws, with no enhancements, are strong enough to rend through substances as durable as bone. Later, Sabretooth underwent the Adamantium bonding process to make his skeleton virtually unbreakable and giving him a second set of claws, retractable Adamantium ones which extended out as a sheath over his regular ones. This Adamantium skeleton was removed from his body by Apocalypse, but the new Weapon X Program re-engineered the bonding process in his body, in addition to upgrading his strength, speed, reaction time, and healing powers to an even further degree.

Sabretooth is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by the Foreigner, the C.I.A., and many others. He is also an extraordinary hunter and tracker.

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