Monday, March 22, 2021




Real Names: Jean-Paul Beaubier & Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #120, April 1979

Powers: Northstar and Aurora are mutant fraternal twins who each possess the ability to manipulate the random kinetic activity of their own molecules, converting it into uni-directional thrust and propulsion. By applying this effect to their entire bodies they can move along the ground, lift off and fly at high speeds, or affect only a portion of their body, such as to throw a series of super-speed punches, striking someone 100 times before they even register the impact of the first blow. These manipulations have affected their molecules such that the twins each possess a heightened resistance to physical injury, air resistance, and temperature extremes. Their perceptual abilities and reaction times are superhuman as well, but not equivalent to their top speeds, meaning the twins can move faster than their senses can accurately assimilate information from their surroundings. Both Northstar and Aurora routinely reach cruising speeds of around Mach 10, and if it weren't for the atmospheric resistance and their own human frailties they could propel themselves at roughly 99% the speed of light. As it is, Northstar was originally slightly faster than Aurora, while she possessed a slightly greater range and endurance before fatigue set in. When in physical contact with each other, Northstar and Aurora initially set off a phase-shift interaction within their molecules, producing a blinding cascade of light, equivalent to the intensity of 1,000,000 foot candles.

During a period of separation from each other, Aurora teamed with Dr. Walter Langkowski to research ways to alter her abilities. Putting her through a treatment process, Langkowski enabled Aurora to tap into the phase-shift effect of her molecules without Northstar: She could now generate light under her own power, as flashes, strobing pulses, or a sustained glow from all or part of her body, up to the intensity of 500,000 foot candles. A side effect, however, was a dramatic decrease in her other powers. Jeanne-Marie was now physically less durable and more susceptible to temperatures, and her top speed was reduced to Mach 1. Furthermore, Northstar and Aurora could no longer generate light when in contact with each other. Instead, they cancelled each other out on contact, preventing both siblings from accessing their mutant powers for a period of time after they touched. Sometime later, Northstar was dying and Aurora force-fed her light energies into him, saving his life. This was the first time their light powers seemed to be extension of their life energy. After the transfer, Aurora was completely powerless and Northstar seemed to have her half-intensity light powers. After both were retired from super-heroing for a time, they returned and Jeanne-Marie was injured, prompting Jean-Paul to reverse the transfer of energy to save her life. Northstar thus had no more light powers again, but Aurora's were changed considerably. Her Mach 1 speed and flight were back, and her light powers were now "living light" -- empathically resonant so that she could manipulate the emotions of other people or hypnotize them into following her wishes. A while after this, Aurora was mentally manipulated by a telepath named Headlok, triggering the re-emergence of her split-personality (which had been dormant since she first infused her light into Northstar). It also caused a wide range of different manifestations of her powers. She could generate electricity, fire concussive blasts, use strobe lights to render people unconscious, among other things. The interaction between her and Northstar changed as well: They no longer generated light or cancelled each other out on contact.

Later, Northstar was gained the ability of projecting concussive light blasts without explanation. He was eventually glowing under his own power. Presumably, it was some sort of transference effect between all the changes Aurora was going through. In any case, Northstar has on rare occasions demonstrated the ability to generate blinding flashes of light on his own and this ability was confirmed and augmented by the Hand and Hydra when they killed and resurrected him. Aurora was taken by the Weapon X Program and they engineered a new power within her, allowing her to create a boost effect in objects on contact. She does this by infusing them with the same uni-directional thrust she uses for herself, so that she can cause any object she touches to suddenly shoot off with tremendous momentum. She did not show any light powers during her time in Weapon X. The twins were reunited and enhanced by the Children of the Vault, and now generate a pyrotechnic force when in contact instead of an intangible light flash, allowing them to physically burn and blast opponents. It would seem that their individual light powers and Aurora's contact-thrust power are now gone.

Jean-Paul Beaubier is a talented trapeze artist and a world-class professional skier. A world champion and Olympic gold medalist in skiing, he is a wealthy businessman, novelist, and CEO of Team Northstar Extreme Snowsports. He is also bilingual in both French and English.

Aurora suffers from a multiple personality disorder which, in the past, has manifested itself through various distinct personae: The repressed, deeply religious Jeanne-Marie and the uninhibited Aurora. Her powers alter in various ways depending on which of her personalities is dominant at the time. Jeanne-Marie Beaubier was also a teacher of geography and history. She holds a masters degree in education. She is also bilingual in both French and English.

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