Monday, March 1, 2021




Real Name: Sonny Baredo
First Appearance: Thunderbolts (Vol. 1) #54, September 2001

Powers: Humus Sapien is a mutant who is mentally and physically attuned to the Earth's geospatial bio-field, allowing him to mentally perceive everything affecting the Earth itself.

His power manifests itself as him "hearing" the planet speak to him and tell him about what's happening to it, and as a holographic representation of Earth on his chest. His body has reconstructed itself over the years, becoming a molecular amalgamation of human, vegetable, and sediment matter. Presumably, his link to the planet sustains his body functions entirely.

Humus Sapien is able to mentally manipulate the activity of plant life and tectonic plates, causing the accelerated growth and manipulation of vegetable life, making vegetation to come to life and attack his opponents, create earthquakes, open seismic fissures in the planet's crust, etc. He can create a repulsion effect opposing artificial or synthetic materials, propelling them away from his position or using the repulsion effect to lift himself off of the ground and fly. Intensifying the level of repulsion being used allows him to generate massive amounts of raw energy that destabilizes the atomic structures of any matter unsympathetic with the Earth's natural state.

He asserts his power by draining electro-encephalographic energy from various random locations on the planet. So, whenever he is employing his power, Humus Sapien is subconsciously leeching the full life-sustaining energy from human minds, causing random individuals around the globe to simply drop dead at a steady rate as long as he's active.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Humus Sapien was the winner of a Create-A-Character contest from Marvel’s F.O.O.M. magazine in 1973.

He was originally scheduled to join the "all-new, all-different" team in Giant Sized X-Men #1, but didn’t and was misplaced for over 20 years until Marvel did another Create-A-Character contest in which another character won, but it led to Marvel’s editors and writers bringing up the forgotten Humus Sapien for a long-overdue debut.