Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Stryfe
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Stryfe was the perfect mutant clone of Cable, created from Cable's healthy cells and therefore possessing all of his power and none of the restrictions imposed by the techno-organic virus. He was also genetically engineered at the time of his creation to be a perfect physical specimen, possessing peak human strength, stamina, reflexes, and genius intelligence. His mutant abilities gave him vast potential for both telepathic and telekinetic feats.

He could sense the presence of other sentient beings, read their thoughts, create psychic links to communicate psionically with others, exert mental domination over someone's thoughts or actions, project directed force to lift and maneuver matter or devastate it where it stood, cast force fields to protect him and others from physical harm or harsh environments like the surface of the moon, etc. He demonstrated sufficient telekinetic power and control to prevent Cyclops and Jean Grey from accessing their mutant abilities in his presence. His armor protected him from significant levels of direct assault.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was cloned from a young Nathan Summers to serve as a failsafe (in case Nathan died from the TO) or a decoy (in case Apocalypse sought to recapture Nathan).

The latter occurred with Apocalypse taking the clone, thinking him to be the real Nathan. He raised the clone and named him “Stryfe”.