Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Nathaniel Essex
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #221, September 1987

Powers: Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian England when he received his abilities through bodily augmentations by the mutant known as Apocalypse. Apocalypse’s transformation of him served to activate his latent “x-factor” gene making him a mutant.

The transformation initially left him with pale white skin, an increased lifespan, and apparently some level of enhanced strength and resilience. He later incorporated the shape-shifting cells of a time-traveler mutant named Courier into his genetic structure, and manipulated them to their ultimate potential to give himself a number of special abilities. Mr. Sinister possesses superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and apparently an endless lifespan. He can manipulate the density and structure of his body to become nigh-invulnerable, or simply allow his regenerative powers to handle any damage. Sinister has had a baseball-sized hole blown straight through his skull and his upper body nearly severed from his lower, and in both cases he experienced no pain or discomfort. The damage regenerated itself completely within a matter of minutes. Despite false information he once gave to the X-Men, he is not vulnerable to Cyclops' optic blasts whatsoever. Though his shape-shifting powers are not as extensive as Apocalypse's, Sinister can still transform himself in moments into any human shape or form he can imagine.

He has also demonstrated the power to fire concussive energy blasts from his hands, and certain telekinetic and telepathic powers such as mind control, astral projection, the creation of mental blocks in his opponents' minds, and psionic backlashes to disable telepaths attempting to assault his mind. He also commands a tesseract laboratory, which employs folding space technology to access multiple locations around the world simultaneously. This technology also enables Sinister to teleport to and from virtually anywhere on the globe instantaneously.

A genius in genetics, Mr. Sinister is a brilliant biologist and a skilled surgeon. He is an expert in the science of cloning.

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