Saturday, January 9, 2021



Real Name: Takashi Matsuya
First Appearance: X-Terminators (Vol. 1) #1, October 1988

Powers: Wiz Kid’s mutant power is techno-forming. He can psionically rearrange machinery, parts of machinery, and raw materials into various complex forms and functions of his specifications, often defying scientific logic. His power is limited only by his imagination. His power can affect metal, plastic, glass, and other synthetic or inanimate forms of matter. He can manipulate non-electronic materials, but re-configuring existing circuitry and mechanical parts is much faster for him.

Wiz Kid can make mild reconfigurations to an object, such as when he transformed a normal football helmet into a specially fitted crash helmet for his costume. He has also created machines such as a working light saber and free-flying TIE fighters out of LEGO blocks, which shoot tiny LEGO pieces instead of missiles. The Wiz Kid can create and program computer systems with his power as well.

Wiz Kid is paralyzed from the waist down and has a specially-motorized wheelchair, which he often uses as a focus for his power, re-configuring it into various vehicles to compensate for his physical disability. He often "grows" mechanical fists, laser weapons, or speed boosters on the chair, and can reconfigure it altogether into a pair of giant mechanical legs for scaling stairs. He can also transform his chair into different vehicle modes, such as a helicopter, airship, or tank and absorb excess materials into the chair in order to make it proportionately larger, accommodating extra passengers. He does require a power source in order to fuel many of his devices. He has converted a garbage can into a combustion engine, burning the trash inside it as fuel. He has also reconfigured his designs to accept Boomer's energy pellets, using their explosive power to charge up his batteries.

Wiz Kid is an inventive genius with his knowledge being purely natural, but his power gives him an innate ability to visualize and understand electronics and the basics of engineering which allow his machines to operate. He is also a genius in computer science. It's recently been confirmed that he possesses a technopathic capability as well. Wiz Kid inherently perceives and understands how components can come together as a whole, operating as a "machine" of some kind. This allows him to evaluate the function of machines psionically, diagnosing flaws in the design, and extrapolating refinements and improvements. From his time on Krakoa, he has expanded his comprehension of technology beyond the inorganic scrap materials he previously employed. Wiz Kid can technopathically intuit Krakoan bio-technology as easily as traditional machines, and has even extended his senses to the bleeding edge idea of "mutant technology" -- two or more mutants using their powers in unison to achieve greater effects. Wiz Kid's technopathy allows him to visualize mutants as components in a larger machine, and "technoform" their energy signatures to work together in more fluid and refined ways. The full potential of this aspect of his ability has not yet been explored.

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