Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Jonathan Reed Richards
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #404, September 1995

Powers: Hyperstorm’s mutation grants him linkage and access to the extra-dimensional realm of hyper-space. The dimension of hyper-space is accessible from Earth and its physical laws differ from Earth's in the following ways: First, it is possible to surpass the speed of light within hyperspace without directly violating Einstenian laws of relativity. Second, hyper-space is "warped" in comparison to Earth's dimension so that the distance between two points in hyper-space might be immensely shorter than the distance between the equivalent points in Earth's dimension. Lastly, hyper-space is the source of all energy in the universe. As such, Hyperstorm has control of the four basic fundamental forces of the universe (electromagnetism, gravitation, and the strong & weak nuclear forces). He can manipulate these forces so as to augment his physical strength, endurance, reflexes, and durability, increase or negate the effects of gravity, project and manipulate electricity, magnetic fields, heat energy, and explosive bursts, shape ambient energy in any manner he wishes, restructure matter at the sub-molecular level, and perform telepathic feats. His mutant power places him on par with some of the most powerful cosmic beings in the universe.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He comes from a variation of the DoFP timeline. He’s the mutant son of Franklin Richards and Rachel Summers. His power gives him control over hyperspace, the source of all energy.

I wonder how he’d fare against his mama’s uncle Vulcan.