Thursday, January 7, 2021




Real Name: Garokk
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales #2, October, 1970

Powers: Garokk the Petrified Man is a god-like being worshiped in the Savage Land who is usually occupying a host body, created through a potion, ceremony, energy pool, or some combination of the above.

Garokk the Petrified Man possesses enhanced strength, speed and some degree of increased resistance to damage thanks to his rocky skin. He can channel vast amounts of power through his eyes, producing a blinding flash or tremendous levels of heat and force, which can be raised to disintegrating intensity. Like many gods, he is also psychically linked to his worshipers, and can feel their faith in him growing or dwindling. He has also been occasionally capable of focusing on specific worshipers, making him virtually telepathically sensitive to their thoughts and actions. Garokk can also transform himself into living energy, zipping around at the speed of light in an hyper-charged intangible state, traveling at least for short distances virtually instantaneously. He draws power from the Savage Land, either because it is the mystical host of his godly might or his connection tothe Pangean/Beyonders technology that maintains the Savage Land's tropical climate. Garokk has also demonstrated the ability to recharge himself directly by absorbing vast amounts of energy funneled into him by mechanical aids. Whatever his power source is, he has tapped vast energy in the past in order to construct a fortress for himself out of raw earth and rock, or manipulate inter-dimensional gateways between worlds. He can only do these things very rarely, since his mortal host cannot long contain the full energies of a god. His body mutated considerably after Magneto forced him into servitude -- Garokk now stood over 10 feet tall, with half his body fused to itself and the other converted into a crystalline state. He had hyper-regenerative powers in this state, and could build and release dazzling displays of light from his crystal side.

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