Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Names: Andrea von Strucker & Andreas von Strucker
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #194, June 1985

Powers: Andrea and Andreas von Strucker are fraternal twin siblings who were genetically altered at birth so as to have their natural mutations enhanced. Their mutant abilities are now conditioned to generate bio-energy through symbiosis. Whenever they come into physical contact with each other, the twins are capable of producing blasts of energy from their hands. They each have a specific energy signature: Andrea is capable of projecting a disintegration beam while Andreas can project a concussive force blast.

After Andrea's death, Andreas became Swordsman III and carried a set of short daggers and two broadswords, all lined with Adamantium to make them highly sharpened and durable. One of his swords acts as a projectile spike, firing off its blade on an unraveling spool of wire. He can use this as a grappling cable or a surprise weapon. The other sword has a handle wrapped in the tanned flesh of his dead sister, enabling him to channel his mutant power through the blade, firing concussive force bolts.

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