Saturday, January 30, 2021




Real Name: Michael Collins
First Appearance: Deathlok (Vol. 1) #1, July 1990

Powers: John Kelly was Deathlok II and the first Deathlok of the modern era. His brain was electrocuted to death on his first test-run due to a programming flaw in the Deathlok cyborg's onboard CPU. After extensive programmatic revisions to the CPU, Kelly's unwilling replacement was the brain of one of the Deathlok computer programmers and department head of the Computer Software Systems Unit at Cybertek Systems, Michael Collins. However, Collins' mind eventually asserted itself and operated the cyborg as Deathlok III from that point on, essentially with his brain occupying John Kelly's modified body.

Deathlok, while resembling its alternate-timeline counterpart, and benefiting somewhat from that “future’s” technology, is an entirely new weapons system several orders of magnitude more efficient and effective than its predecessor. The most crucial component in its success as the most versatile weapon in history is the new encephalonic reading and writing technology. Encephalonics allow the use of an organic brain to store information that can be accessed by Deathlok's main computer and operating system. The human brain has a storage capability which is, at this point, literally incalculable. Deathlok’s computer system contains downloaded contents in excess of 17 Cray mainframe computers and can provide detailed information of a wide variety of subjects (historical, technical, trivial, biographical, etc.) The onboard CPU is also a tactical computer capable of providing sensory analyses of targets and situations. It can compute and modify the amount of force Deathlok or any weapon he carries applies in order to achieve different results (stun, kill, ventilate), compute “battle plans”, assessing variables and parameters to conceive of the best possible course of action to survive a situation or achieve a goal. The computer can then automatically guide the body’s reflexes, sharpshooting, and any other actions through a situation without the human brain consciously exerting any effort.

The system's brain is supported by organic human lungs to supply it with oxygen and a simplified organic stomach to process nourishment. Dissolved nutrients are pumped by an artificial heart through an artificial circulatory system in a synthetic blood-like substance that also carries oxygen from the lungs. For the sake of convenience, most of the original, biological head remains intact to allow use of the natural naso-laryngeal construction for speech. Nanotech assemblers routinely repair minor damage to the organic systems. The unit’s artificial left eye is sensitive to a spectrum stretching both above and below visible light. When in active scanning mode, it can also emit and detect variable frequency, EM radiation and neutrinos.

The artificial ear is also more efficient than a human ear, and has directional capabilities. Both visual and audio input can be further augmented by digital data gathered by both systems. It is routinely digitized and stored in organic memory where it can be accessed for playback either by the unit or on monitors. Other than the previously mentioned organic systems, the unit is of entirely artificial construction.

Deathlok's skeleton is of pure indestructible Adamantium, tooled to mimic the full human range of motion. The muscles and cartilage are composed of an extremely impact-resistant, surprisingly elastic, Adamantium/steel alloy which also mimics the full human range of motion. The torsal cavity contains the organic lungs and stomach, the computer's central processor, and the controlled fusion generator that powers the cyborg and its primary firearms. The unit can lift (press) 85 tons under optimal conditions. The strength limitation is due to the stress and elasticity limitations of the muscle alloy. The Deathlok system can exert more force than its muscles can bear without being deformed or ruptured.

For this reason, an inhibitor function in its operating system prevents it (under almost all circumstances) from exerting anywhere near its theoretical 150-ton strength levels. Deathlok's primary offensive weapon is the Plasma Assault Rifle. The weapon fires plasma created by superheating inert gases, and is powered by the cyborg's internal fusion reactor. The weapon is limited by power considerations, and the gun's inability to operate unless in direct contact with the fingertip power outlets in the cyborg's right hand. Deathlok also carries a pistol with similar limitations, but less firepower. Adjacent to the rifle is a plasma grenade launcher with immense destructive power. Deathlok can interface with virtually any computer system and, by expanding its sensory perceptions into “cyberspace”, it can communicate with phone and computer systems via machine code.

MIchael Collins is a gifted intellect with a masters degree in computer science and a Ph.D. in both prosthetics and neuroscience. An expert computer programmer, he has used his skills to interface with Deathlok III's CPU to implement programming safeguards (the "no killing" parameter which prevents the cyborg from causing death). After experiments performed on him by the cosmic Stranger, Collins can now assume his totally human and organic state, yet reactivate his internal computer and full bionic enhancements at will. He also now possesses regenerative powers which can repair both his organic and artificial components.

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