Sunday, January 24, 2021




Real Name: Namorita Prentiss
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner (Vol. 1) #50, June 1972

Powers: Though a member of the human sub-species Homo Sapiens Mermanus, Namorita is actually the clone of her own "mother", Namora. Namora was having difficulty conceiving a child, and went to the exiled geneticist Vyrra for help. Vyrra created a clone from Namora's own cells, genetically altered it in certain ways, and implanted it as a fetus in her uterus. Thus, Namora effectively gave birth to herself.

Namorita was originally blue-skinned like her father, but upon puberty shifted to the pink skin Namora and her cousin Namor possess. Namorita has most of the conventional attributes of Homo Mermanus: Superhuman strength, swimming speed, endurance, reflexes, vision, hearing, and durability. Her dense musculature allows her to withstand deep sea pressures, augmented vision to penetrate murky ocean depths, and specialized blood circulation to endure freezing temperatures; when exposed to sufficiently virulent poisons, she automatically entered into a death-like state until her body was purged of toxins.
Namorita's lungs presumably contain oxygen-diffusing membranes, or lamellae, allowing her to extract oxygen from water as she inhales it; she can thus survive indefinitely either underwater or on land, but she must periodically make skin contact with water, preferably by immersion, to keep her powers replenished. Although Namorita lacks the fully developed gills of typical Atlanteans, she presumably possesses vestigial, partially functional gills behind her ears that are nonetheless somehow essential to her respiration.

She also has Namor's ankle wings enabling her to fly up to 35 miles per hour and the ability to re-channel electricity. She has never demonstrated his radar sense or marine telepathy, though. Her strength level fluctuates in and out of water as Namor's does, but her upper level is approximately Superhuman Class 75.

Eventually, Namorita's genetically unstable clone DNA caused her to mutate, and she reverted to an Atlantean throwback state. She developed the blue skin of her people in addition to webbed fingers and small fins extending from the backs of her thighs. She took to calling herself "Kymaera", after a legendary Atlantean ghost-shark. Her new skin eventually cracked and peeled, shedding off to reveal her former pink-skinned, webbing and fin-less self. This reverse transformation gave her new powers in the process, though. Namorita could now turn herself invisible, bending light waves around her body. She can also secrete a powerful acid from her pores or a neurotoxin which temporarily paralyzes her opponents on contact.

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