Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Trevor Fitzroy
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #281, October 1991

Powers: Fitzroy possesses the mutant power to absorb life-energy from another person upon physical contact and convert it into temporal energy that can be used in a variety of ways. In his first appearances, Fitzroy was shown capable of draining a person totally of life-energy, a process which rendered them quite dead. He then converted this energy in order to create one-directional portals that connected two distant points in time and space. The flow of these portals was very specific: One end was the entrance, the other was the exit. If anyone tried to enter the exit-portal, their atoms would be scattered across the space-time continuum. Fitzroy could create an entrance-portal in front of him for a quick getaway to anywhere or time he could imagine, or do the reverse and cause an entrance-portal to manifest somewhere in space/time, allowing people or objects to come through an exit-portal near him. In all cases, it seems it was necessary for him to manifest one end of the tunnel within his immediate proximity.

Additionally, Fitzroy seemed capable of maintaining these portals indefinitely, they only needed to be powered up in order to open, not to remain open. His base of operations in his first appearances was apparently littered with portals he was keeping around for strategic means. There also seemed to be some sort of energy/mass factor for his portals: A certain amount of energy was required to allow a certain amount of mass to travel through them. If too much mass attempted to traverse a portal, such as if two people attempted to travel through a portal designed for only one person, their molecules could become fused and grossly distorted. Fitzroy originally believed his mutant power to be teleportation, until he absorbed enough life-energy to create a portal (which allowed passage through time, not just space partly due to the trans-temporal mutant anchor known as Bantam) where the time difference became more apparent.

He later expanded his power levels exponentially, and could possibly be considered Omega-level because of this. As the Chronomancer, Fitzroy learned how to manipulate chronal energy for feats other than portal creation. He could now freeze time around a moving object, holding it immobilized in midair and mid-motion until he let it free. Chronomancer could also accelerate the passage of time on a person or object, causing them to age past the point of decay and reduce them to dust. He even was capable of reversing the personal temporal characteristics of Shard, beginning a transformation that would have reverted her from a photonic lifeform back into a being of flesh and blood.

Fitzroy often employed a suit of crystallized omnium-mesh power armor when going into combat. This suit amplified his strength considerably, and protected him from physical assaults while refracting energy bursts to avoid damage from them. It could also turn him invisible for periods of time, and some versions of the armor included razor sharp nails on the gauntlets' fingers.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Trevor Fitzroy hails from Earth-1191 in an alternate future timeline roughly 100 years from now. An Englishman, he's the illegitimate mutant son of the Hellfire Club's Anthony Shaw, a descendant of Sebastian and Shinobi Shaw. Trevor's last name is a joke: In medieval times, “Fitzroy" was the surname given to illegitimate children of royalty. It means “son of a king”.

Layla Miller (later introduced in X-Factor) time-traveled to this alternate future and witnessed Fitzroy's death during a Sentinel attack. Layla used her mutant ability to reanimate dead organisms on Trevor and brought him back to life. However, the side effect of her power is that it leaves her recipient devoid of morality. Layla claims responsibility for young Trevor Fitzroy becoming the hedonistic psychopath he was as an adult after she brought him back from the dead.

At his dad's insistence, he was a cadet for the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers), a mutant law enforcement agency inspired by the X-Men. But his criminal tendencies got him kicked out. He clashed instantly with his classmate and future nemesis Bishop.

Of course, he gets captured by the XSE, escapes into our present, where he and his Sentinels kill Donald Pierce, the Reavers, and the Hellions.