Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Sebastian Hiram Shaw
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #129, January 1980

Powers: Sebastian Shaw is a mutant with the power to absorb energy, converting it into physical power. His system is primarily designed to absorb kinetic force, but he has also absorbed lightning or mystical energy in the past. His body absorbs the brunt of any impact, protecting him from any harmful effects while processing the energy to increase his strength and endurance to superhuman levels. This process functionally gives him a superhuman resistance to injury as well. Shaw can be overloaded by excess energy at once, forcing him to pass out. It is unclear exactly how Shaw loses the increased strength level he gains, since most cases of him applying his super-strength would involve creating impact for him to absorb as well. Possibly, it just depletes over time from disuse.

Sebastian Shaw was the Black King of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle and earned a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology. He possesses vast knowledge of technology and economics and is also possessed of a keen business acumen. As the founder, CEO, and primary shareholder of Shaw Industries, Inc., he is a billionaire industrialist who has developed his company into a multinational corporation heavily involved in defense contracts and munitions productions. He is also an experienced iron worker.

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