Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Fabian Cortez
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #1, October 1991

Powers: Fabian Cortez’s mutant power is energy manipulation. Specifically, the ability to generate a modular energy from his own mutagenic energy signature that adapts to mimic whatever other energy it comes into contact with. By touching another mutant or striking them with his energy beam, Cortez delivers this modular energy into their system, locking onto their mutagenic energy signature and amplifying their power levels. He can utilize his power to provide mutants with a temporary increase in power-levels or he can weaponize it. Using his power in this manner overcomes the innate breakers which help manage mutant powers: Touching Psylocke caused her telepathy to expand so that she was in constant contact with every mind on the island of Genosha where they were fighting, an effect akin to frying her brain in battery acid; Bishop, a walking power cell, was made to absorb more energy than his body could handle, then expel it all at once, leaving him physically depleted and totally drained of power.

Cortez's power has also been used on non-mutants, such as the psionic powers of Maximus of the Inhumans, or the mechanically-created force field of the High Evolutionary. He once pretended to be healing Magneto with his powers, yet all he was doing was giving Magneto's power such a hyper-charge that he no longer felt his own severe injuries, leading to his temporary demise.

Cortez can consciously choose the extent to which he enhances superhuman abilities, usually to the highest degree. It has been shown that he has some control over his power’s energy signature, such as using it to constrict a foe.

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