Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Arkady Gregorivich Rossovich
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #4, January 1992

Powers: Omega Red’s mutant power enables him to generate parasitic emissions from his own body. He can use his power in two ways: He can create what he calls his “death aura”– an energy field that drains the life energy of anyone within his vicinity. Secondly, he can secrete pheromones, or "death spores", from his body that kill people in his immediate vicinity. Omega Red can then absorb the life energy that his mutant power drains from his victims into himself to sustain his own.

Omega Red has chalky-white skin and his recruitment for the Soviet Super-Soldier Program left him physically transformed, developing a surgically-enhanced musculature with superhuman strength (class 10), agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability. Implanted within his arms are long coils made of radioactive Carbonadium, an alloy that resembles Adamantium but is more malleable and considerably less resistant to damage. Omega Red can cause the coils to shoot forward from openings in the undersides of his wrists in order to ensnare his victims. The coils apparently expand as they are released, since they are far longer than he is tall when fully extended. He can also use the coils as a conduit for his powers.

The coils enable him to minimize or intensify the spores' effects as desired, but radioactive upsurge from overuse debilitates him, putting at risk of death from his own spores. Before his transformation by the Soviet Super-Soldier Program was complete, the Carbonadium Synthesizer (or "C-Synth") was needed to stabilize the interface between his mutant powers and his coils. Without it, as a result, he must drain life force from victims to remain alive and fully empowered.

Omega Red is an excellent armed and hand-to-hand combatant with extensive KGB training, and is fluent in both English and Russian. He is an exceptional military tactician and criminal leader.

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