Saturday, January 30, 2021




Real Name: Luther Manning
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales (Vol. 1) #25, August 1974

Powers: On Earth-7484, Luther Manning was a United States Army Colonel whose body was torn apart by a concussion bomb during a training exercise. Wishing to preserve Manning’s knowledge and experience, Simon Ryker selected him for Project: Alpha-Mech when he didn’t survive surgery. The CIA project, spearheaded by Simon and his brother Harlan, was designed to build an army of cyborg super-soldiers. After 5 years in stasis, Manning’s body was reanimated as the cyborg Deathlok with his remaining flesh was in a dead, necrotizing state while most of his body was reconstructed using metal and plastic components.

The reinforcement to his skeleton and muscles gave him mild superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reaction time. His artificial left eye provided variable visual modes, including telescopic, microscopic, infrared, and night vision capabilities, as well as advanced computer-guided targeting programs. He was still technically alive, and so required oxygen, food, water, and rest, although not to the same degree as before his cybernetic conversion. He is powered by a thermonuclear generator and, in all but his later incarnations, his mind was computer augmented. Deathlok's onboard computer system contained an advanced scanning suite that included thermal scans, motion and proximity sensors, and a storehouse of data on various subjects. The interactive intelligence ran on an internal modem, provided Deathlok with a “voice” in his head with intelligence updates, scanning alerts, and probability breakdowns for various possible tactical responses to a given scenario.

He has worn a woven metal-mesh costume and carried a helium-neon laser pistol, a 9” metallic knife that magnetized to his cybernetic leg, and a variety of bladed, ballistic, or energy-discharging weapons he could attach to his modular limbs. He also carried one of Godwilf’s Time Gauntlets, enabling time-travel. In later incarnations, Deathlok removed the computer intelligence from his head and adopted a bulkier and more heavily-armored cybernetic frame. Called the Demolisher, Manning now had increased levels of superhuman strength and durability, and he employed modular cybernetic arms with different weapons such as laser cannons, combat blades, or a vulcan cannon.

Deathlok is a gifted intellect, a brilliant military strategist, and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, all of which was augmented by his on-board computer.

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