Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #191, March 1985

Powers: Nimrod was the ultimate example of future Sentinel technology, designed to be a counter-measure for Omega class mutants in Earth-811. Although man-sized, Nimrod's power far exceeded his larger Sentinel brethren. He possessed Class 100 strength, considerable durability, a force field to maintain additional structural integrity, and the capacity for molecular-level reconstruction. Exterior damage could be repaired in a matter of minutes, and even being reduced to a pile of scrap metal would not stop Nimrod from regenerating himself back to full functionality. Nimrod's reconstructive abilities also enabled him to mimic a human appearance, operating unnoticed while in public. His programming also included a neural net processor enabling him to think and learn like a human, making him a more efficient infiltrator. He possessed wide range sensory and analytical capabilities, capable of locating and tracking mutants or any other specific individual across the island of Manhattan. His adaptive tactical abilities allowed Nimrod to manifest offensive or defensive measures of virtually any sort to deal with general threats, or create specific counter-measures to prevent any specific attack from being used against him more than once. He was even able to artificially recreate time travel mechanisms within moments in order to follow Rachel Summers back through time.

Among the features Nimrod has demonstrated in the past include blasts of concussive force, electricity, ultra-high frequency sonics, plasma bolts, wide-angle shockwebs, and a total disintegration ray. He can also use localized tractor beams and repulsor beams to lift and then pull or blast away objects as well. Similar repulsor technology also gave him the power of flight. He can produce a psionic inhibitor field to prevent telepathic communication in his presence, and immunize his body against telekinesis or molecular reconstructive assaults like Selene's. A synaptic dislocuter he once created could jam neural transmissions, and was powerful enough to even paralyze the Juggernaut. Against the Black King, he created a gravitational anomaly to counter Shaw's physical resilience, launching the man uncontrollably into the stratosphere. When dealing with a teleporter like Nightcrawler, Nimrod could sense electromagnetic fluctuations in order to predict Kurt's re-entry point ahead of time, or producing conflicting energy fields at close range, turning the displacement effect violently against his opponent. During his brief resurrection, Nimrod also demonstrated MIAD systems -- mutagenic inversion aerial drones, which locked onto the mutant energy signature of their targets, tracking them and then turning that energy signature against the individual. If necessary, Nimrod was even capable of extracting himself from hazardous situations through teleportation, although this seemed like a last resort.

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