Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Adam Bernard Brashear
First Appearance: Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel (Vol. 1) #1, January 2009

Powers: Dr. Adam Brashear developed a machine that could convert matter into anti-matter. It exploded, infusing him with anti-matter that altered him on a mutagenic level to render him superhuman.

As the Blue Marvel, he is a matter/anti-matter reactor, a living representation of the Distortion Area that bridges our universe and the Negative Zone by transiting matter safely into anti-matter, and vice versa. Matter and anti-matter will completely annihilate each other under normal conditions, producing tremendous amounts of energy. The Blue Marvel’s physiology generates and then harnesses matter/anti-matter reactions to increase his physical abilities and metabolism, while also providing energy manipulation powers.

The Blue Marvel possesses well in excess of Class 100 strength, able to displace thousands of tons in atmosphere and alter the trajectory of moons or planetoids in space. He can survive unaided in various extreme environments such as vacuum, withstand temperature extremes, physical punishment, and other forces to a phenomenal degree, giving him extraordinary endurance and near-invulnerability. His positron-enhanced musculature can be exerted for superhuman speed and reaction time, but he primarily moves at high speeds through particle interactions by creating anti-gravitons for levitation and flight. Manipulation of anti-gravitons as well as electromagnetic propulsion allows him to achieve near light-speeds. His mind is enhanced as well, existing in a state of energy that gives him superhuman intelligence and allows him to capture and process information faster than the human mind can fathom, improving his reflexes.

For energy manipulation, the Blue Marvel can rely on natural matter/anti-matter reactions. His powers are positronic in nature (positrons being the anti-particle of normally occurring electrons), and so releasing his energies can annihilate the binding particles of any matter they touch, causing explosive disintegration. Controlled particle emission allows him to guide his positronic blasts to their target first, so that they don't explode against air or dirt molecules in the atmosphere before even reaching the target. Besides uncontrolled positronic release, the Blue Marvel’s abilities make him sensitive to subatomic particle interactions in general. He can detect and identify various kinds of reactions, sensing energy events or tracking energy signatures. He has "microscopic vision" that allows him to function as a living electron microscope, examining the subatomic structure of people and objects. He can then trigger specific subatomic reactions by selectively applying subatomic particles, allowing him to in theory recreate artificially any form of subatomic collision or reaction found in nature. In practice, this translates into a wide variety of energy-based powers such as the projection and control of light, heat and force, creating solid energy constructs or deconstructing those made by other superhumans or sources, etc.

Dr. Adam Brashear was a child prodigy with academic and athletic aptitudes. He holds Ph.D.’s in electrical engineering and theoretical physics, was a talented football player, and has extensive military training with the United States Marine Corps. He is an extraordinary genius intellect with expertise in several areas of physical science.

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