Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Robert Reynolds
First Appearance: The Sentry (Vol. 1) #1, September 2000

Powers: Robert Reynolds ingested a phase-shift serum which has placed his molecules out of sync with the regular flow of the space-time continuum. This quantum level of flux in his molecules has somehow made him a zero-point energy collector, drawing power equally from any and all sources in the universe. Before that, his powers were mostly psionic, and before that, they were solar-based. Thus, his frequent claims to possessing "the power of a million exploding suns!" are not hyperbole, but fact. The serum transformed him in to the Sentry, the Golden Guardian of Good.

He possesses superhuman Class 100 strength, virtually unlimited endurance, superhuman reflexes, near-invulnerability, and the ability to move and fly at supersonic speeds. He has telescopic vision, can perceive spectra of light and energy beyond human detection, and his hearing is extraordinarily acute. He can also use his phase-shift to manipulate light waves around his body for a variety of effects that haven't been fully disclosed. The Sentry can produce light from his body as anything from a soft glow to a brilliant and blinding level of intensity. He has created small, self-propelling spheres of radiant energy that respond to his thoughts, can bend light in order to render himself invisible, and is able to generate coherent energy beams from his light.

A side effect of his light-based powers, however, was the creation of The Void, the very anti-thesis of the Sentry's power. The Void is capable of appearing in a variety of forms, from a human body to a thunderstorm. The Void can manipulate his environment through the projection of "infini-tendrils", quasi-tangible projections of pure darkness that can lift and manipulate solid matter or stab through living beings to cause them nearly indescribable levels of psychic anguish and pain to the core of their souls.

The Sentry and the Void are each manifestations of Bob Reynolds' core personality: His idealized super-man image and his darker urges, respectively. At times, Bob has been shown physically transforming into either the Sentry or the Void (altering his personality along with his body), or they have manifested themselves independently of Bob's own body, entities of pure thought and energy shaped by his near-infinite power. At one point, his Void side is trapped in the sun, physically separated from Bob/Sentry.

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