Thursday, January 7, 2021




Real Name: Barbara Morse
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales (Vol. 1) #6, June 1971 (Unnamed); Astonishing Tales (Vol. 1) #12, June 1972 (as Dr. Barbara Morse); Marvel Super Action (Vol. 1) #1, January 1976 (as the Huntress); Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #95, July 1980 (as Mockingbird)

Powers: S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Bobbi Morse was a baseline human who possessed no superhuman powers. She was a skilled scientist and field agent who was, however, experiencing unexplained precognitive visions during her first missions.

Her first costumed identity was as the Huntress, where she adopted a costume of Beta Kevlar, resistant to knives and small arms fire. She became Mockingbird when she adopted the use of her battle staves. These short rods were attached to her arms by a set of braces underneath her billowy sleeves, and could either detach or be fired as projectiles using a burst of pressurized air. For hand-to-hand combat, they could be used as fighting sticks or locked together and telescoped into a quarterstaff or vaulting pole. Recent versions of the battle staves also include a retractable spike on the ends as well.

After being critically injured in battle, Bobbi was restored to health using a biochemical agent based on the Super-Soldier Serum and the Infinity Formula. As a result, she has developed superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, durability and recuperative powers. Initially, she was strong enough to rip metal armor apart with her bare hands. There has been some indication her power levels have depleted since then, but her actual strength level at this point is uncertain.

While working as S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison to Parker Industries, Mockingbird received a new costume designed by Spider-Man. It includes retractable energy wings in a harness extending under her arms.

Dr. Barbara Morse holds a Ph.D. in biology and is an expert biologist. A trained S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, she is a highly skilled espionage agent and a formidable hand-to-hand combatant skilled in various martial arts, along with expertise in marksmanship and gymnastics.

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