Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Christopher Summers
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #104, April 1977

Powers: Corsair is a baseline human from Earth who possesses no superhuman powers. Prior to his capture and enslavement by the Shi’ar, Christopher Summers was already a superb pilot, and thanks to his military training, skilled at the use of various weapons and at hand-to-hand combat.

A member of the United States Air Force, he earned the rank of Major. As Corsair, he developed himself into a brilliant starship pilot. He also greatly improved his skills at hand-to-hand combat and mastered the use of various Shi'ar weapons. Corsair also become a highly accomplished swordsman. He also carried exo-gems on his uniform to store objects within pocket dimensional space for easy retrieval, including a pair of pulse blasters, grappling projector, and an alien metal fencing sword.

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