Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Amanda Mueller
First Appearance: Gambit (Vol. 3) #4, May 1999

Powers: The Black Womb’s mutant power includes both advanced mutagenic levels and a stunted aging process. While this gives her an extended life span (near-immortality), her body still undergoes the normal progression of vitality, rendering her susceptible to the effects of aging.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She's the mother of Fontanelle, but more importantly, she's the mutant matriarch of the Summers family. She's the great-(great)-grandmother of the Summers brothers.

In the late 19th century, she was married to Daniel Summers, who we last saw as a child entering Ellis Island in "The Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix". She had a series of miscarriages with Daniel, leading to the city newspaper labeling her as the "Black Womb Killer". Unable to cope with the press, Daniel left her and took their only son with him. We later learned she was actually giving up her unborn fetuses to her OB/GYN, Dr. Nathan Milbury (guess who that is) for experimentation.

That was Mr. Sinister's disguise when he first arrived in America. His arrangement with Mueller lasted more than a century, him being the secret backer for the Black Womb Project in the 1950s. Also, the Weapon X iteration of the Weapon Plus program was most likely connected to the BWP with Dr. Brian Xavier (father to Charles Xavier), Dr. Kurt Marko (Juggernaut's father), and Dr. Alexander Ryking (Hazard's dad) all having worked for both.