Sunday, January 24, 2021




Real Name: Mercedes Kelly Knight
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #1, March 1972 (as unnamed woman); Marvel Premiere (Vol. 1) #21, March 1975 (as Misty Knight)

Powers: Mercedes “Misty” Knight was a police lieutenant with the New York City Police Department who lost her right arm while trying to dispose of a bomb. Her arm was amputated and replaced with a bionic steel arm originally designed by Stark International, but improvements and updates have been provided by Forge, Rand Enterprises and other contractors.

The original bionic arm was intended as a prosthetic, not a weapon. As a result, its primary feature was its ability to appear like a normal flesh-and-blood arm without alerting others. Beneath a synthetic layer of flesh, the arm was made out of metal and therefore stronger than a normal arm. However, practical matters prevented it from giving Misty true super-strength. Only Misty's arm was bionic: While it could lift and support immense weight, her spine and legs could not. Trying to lift more weight than she could normally would crush her still human physiology under the pressure. Misty Knight's bionic arm did have a vice-like grip, though, able to crush steel, and she could deliver powerful, piledriver-like blows of force.

Years later, Misty began using a more ostentatious bionic arm, no longer trying to hide its artificial nature but incorporating more features into it. This new arm was comprised of Antarctic Vibranium encased in a layer of diamond alloy. This not only made the arm virtually impervious, it also allowed Misty to selectively deploy the metal-melting properties of the Anti-Metal by retracting the diamond casing. This enabled her to liquefy metal in close quarters when she wished. Misty could also generate magnetic fields. She could not, however, manipulate magnetism with skill, only generate it. As a result, she worked best deploying her magnetism for brute force effects like repelling anything metal nearby, or attracting metal objects in close. Anything more selective or delicate would require some concentration and chance. The arm was controlled using a neural-cybernetic interface between Misty's brain and the arm. Retractable cyberjacks enabled Misty to extend this interface to other electronic systems, using her arm to override digital locks, hack into computer systems, etc. Other one-time features seen include a force beam, freeze beam, and a form of short-range anti-gravity thrust.

Misty Knight is an excellent marksman with conventional weapons and has superb detective skills. She is a good athlete with considerable knowledge of martial arts.

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