Thursday, January 7, 2021




Real Name: Frank Oliver
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #81, February 1970

Powers: The Kangaroo was apparently a mutant born with superhuman strength concentrated in his leg muscles. This gave him a superhuman leaping capacity similar to the Toad's, able to leap heights and distances within a single jump far greater than those of even an Olympic-trained athlete. Criminal surgeon Jonas Harrow surgically connected devices containing compressed air-jets to the Kangaroo's nervous system that greatly enhanced his leaping ability and leg strength.

The compressed air-jets within the devices attached to the Kangaroo's hands and forearms enabled him to punch with enough force to ram his fist through a five-inch think concrete wall with a single blow. The compressed air-jets within the boots he wore enabled him to leap well over 100 feet into the air in a single bound. With a single leap, the Kangaroo could easily penetrate all the way through a ten foot-thick concrete wall. Since the devices were surgically attached to his nervous system, he could activate the jets via mental command.

Frank Oliver was trained as a professional boxer and was also skilled in kickboxing.

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