Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Ruby Summers
First Appearance: X-Factor: Layla Miller (Vol. 1) #1, August 2008

Powers: Ruby Summers is a mutant from the future timeline of Earth-1191 and possesses a gestalt variant of her parents' (Cyclops and Emma Frost) mutant powers.

Instead of Emma's organic diamond, Ruby transforms into an organic version of ruby quartz crystal. As a result, she is nearly invulnerable and has a practical level of enhanced strength allowing her to exert 3-5 tons of force and pressure. Although she technically has a human form, Ruby has not reverted to normal in decades. She does not age or require conventional sustenance in her ruby form.

She is reportedly concerned that reverting to normal will restore her natural age, causing her to age decades in a moment if she changed back. Ruby can also project blasts of force from her eyes. These blasts are black in color for reasons unknown, but seem to function essentially the same as Cyclops' optic blast. Ruby uses her optic blasts sparingly, and seemingly cannot exert them as frequently as her father.

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