Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Madelyne Jennifer Pryor-Summers
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #168, April 1983

Powers: Madelyne Pryor was a clone of Jean Grey, but originally possessed no powers of her own. The Asgardian mystical Firefountain transformed her temporarily into a healer called Anodyne. She could not only heal any physical wound or disease in this form, but also more specialized problems like Cyclops and Rogue's uncontrollable powers, Aurora's mental problems, Sasquatch's bouts of bestiality, and Puck's mystically-induced shortness. She lost these powers in short order, though.

When Madelyne was shaped by the demons of Inferno into the Goblin Queen, the demonic influence awakened and shaped her latent powers by tapping into the small portion of the Phoenix Force that empowers her consciousness to manifest telepathy and telekinesis. She also gained the abilities to rearrange molecular structures and convert people physically into demons. She also demonstrated mind reading, force fields, telekinetic blasts, flight, and the ability to influence the minds of others, corrupting their desires and seducing them into her service. After her death, a version of Madelyne was brought back accidentally by Nate Grey, a psychoplasmic entity containing an echo of Maddie's memories and personality. This "new" Madelyne was not actually flesh, but psychic energy molded by Nate's tremendous power to look and act like an organic being. In this incarnation, she demonstrated telepathic, telekinetic, and teleportation powers.

Madelyne later had an encounter with Queen Jean Grey of a parallel earth, who "killed" her and replaced her at Nate Grey's side. Madelyne then reappeared as the Red Queen, a psychically-powerful spirit without physical substance.

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