Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #184, August 1984

Powers: Forge is a mutant born with the ability to perceive mechanical energy (a combination of kinetic and potential energy resulting from the force of gravity or the movement or release of a machine and its components). Being able to perceive this energy automatically interprets the functions and operations of any machine or technological device within his visual range, allowing him to instinctively recognize the potential and functional uses of any matter around him. This ranges from being able to instantly identify anything he could use as a lever (the simplest machine) to immediately developing a working knowledge of space-age technology at a glance. His mutant power not only increases his understanding of existing devices, but intermingles with his thought processes to help him repair devices.

The primary use of his power is inventing any form of technology he can imagine. When he conceives of an invention, his mind will begin quickly and automatically calculating the mathematical and engineering principles necessary to create the device, discarding inefficient equations, and so forth. Once he has a mental blueprint for his device, his power then assesses the materials available to him in the immediate area, as to whether or not he can actually build his invention with those materials. He can conceive, design, and invent futuristic high-tech equipment within a drastically small amount of time.

Forge is also equipped with a bionic right leg and hand of his design. His leg has superhuman strength, able to strike with piledriver force, and he can crush metal with his vice-like grip. His hand has retractable laser or concussion barrels on the back of his palm, and a magnetic holster inside his leg can carry an additional firearm. He can also extend a cyberjack filament from his hand, hacking into computer systems and cybernetically reprogramming their command functions.

In addition to his mutant powers, Forge was also trained since childhood to be the chief shaman and medicine man of his tribe of Cheyenne. As a result, Forge possesses considerable mystical powers. Among them are casting spells, opening and closing dimensional portals, seeing through illusions, astral projection, and utilizing astral bodies for mystical power. However, he has gone years without using these abilities and hence, is out of practice in wielding them.

He was also trained in armed and unarmed combat during his time in the US Army, having earned the rank of staff sergeant. As the former munitions manufacturer for the US federal government, he has a high-level federal clearance and also maintains contact with several areas of the government, providing him with many resources.

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