Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, May 1975

Powers: Colossus’ mutant ability is to transmute himself into steel at will. His body is naturally comprised of an exotic configuration of carbon molecules, giving him enhanced strength and durability even in his regular human form. Through an act of will, he can send a burst of bio-energy surging through his entire body, reconstructing his unique molecular structure into an organic steel-like substance, granting him superhuman strength and a high degree of resistance to physical harm. In his armored form, his height and mass are increased greatly and he has no need to eat, drink or breathe largely due to the bio-energy in his system running on a self-perpetuating loop to keep him constantly energized.

Initially, Colossus possessed only about Superhuman Class 70 strength. But after being seriously injured by the Marauders, he was paralyzed in his armored state for months. By the time he regained his mobility, his strength level had increased significantly to Superhuman Class 100, but he could not revert back to his human state without intense concentration. Eventually, passing through the Siege Perilous restored his transformation ability while retaining his new strength level. He can’t partially or selectively convert parts of his body into steel, he is either entirely converted or not. When Colossus transforms, his skin, bones, muscles, hair, and even his eyes turn to organic steel, making them capable of deflecting .45 caliber bullets. He can withstand temperatures from -390° to 12,000° Fahrenheit. It is theorized that somewhere above the latter temperature, his armored body would begin to melt. Under regular Earth conditions, his armored form can’t rust. Colossus’s speed and endurance are also heightened in his armored form.

At one point, Colossus was selected as the new avatar of Cyttorak and gained the power of the Juggernaut as a result. He remained in his armored state throughout the period of his possession by Cyttorak. His strength exceeded Class 100 levels, and he possessed substantially increased invulnerability and tolerance for pain. Piotr also had superhuman speed, able to run at over 600 miles per hour. When active, the power of Cyttorak crackled around him and could magically manifest the armor of Juggernaut or instantly reverse any injuries he suffered. When unleashing the power of the Juggernaut to a greater degree, Colossus began physically growing and transforming into a demonic state. His possession was eventually undone by his sister, Magik, in Limbo.

He was once empowered by the Phoenix Force as one of its hosts, giving him significant telepathic and telekinetic abilities, powers of molecular manipulation and control over life and evolution, and access to cosmic energies in the form of a fiery bird of prey. After operating as one of the Phoenix Five, Piotr's powers were left in a disrupted state in the aftermath. In his case, this he couldn't always control his transfiguration into organic steel. He tended to shift uncontrollably from flesh to metal, and sometimes portions of his body change while others do not. As part of X-Force, Forge and Doctor Nemesis created a chest-mounted regulator on his costume that stabilized his condition and allowed him to trigger his conversion manually. Apparently, the real source of the power disruption was a power instability due to nano-Sentinels and has been cured since.

Eventually, Colossus was transformed into War, the Horseman of Apocalypse, increasing his metallic strength and durability, and allowing him to manipulate the liquid metal of his body to extend his reach or morph coils or other shapes.

Colossus is a talented artist adept in sketching, painting, and drawing.

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